Roy was born 1 October 1882 in Dallas, Dallas, Texas and died 9 July 1965 (45 years ago this week) in Grand Prairie, Dallas, Texas. He was buried the next day in Oakland Cemetery, Dallas, where he is interred next to his wife, Baynhum Brooks, who died 21 November 1978. Roy and Baynhum had no children so the only son to carry on the Wilcox name was Roy's brother, Lee Alfred (my grandfather). For this line of the Wilcox family, the Wilcox name ends with my brother, Robert, who has no children.
I visited this grave with my second (half) cousin a few years ago. It was a memorable excursion and the caretaker of the grounds allowed us to look at the records (there was no copy machine available, so I took a photo of the index card - see tomorrow's "Wordless Wednesday" posting).
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