This is also an exciting event for presenters who donate their time to educate those who share their passion for this activity. They personify the theme of this year's event: LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! Many don't realize that these speakers and lecturers do not get compensated for their lodging or time . . . they are there to share their lights with all those who come to learn! If a speaker happens also to have a booth in the exhibit hall, whatever they are promoting or selling is the only return they get on their hours of preparation and presentation. Well, that and the feeling of being instrumental in assisting someone find a long-lost ancestor. As with any teaching, the reward of contributing to the students' knowledge cannot be measured in dollars and cents.
Some of these presenters also share their knowledge through blogs like this one. Each blog is different and each is unique. Each blogger, similarly, is different and unique. And they are going to gather to celebrate the blogging activity. To attend the blogger dinner, one need not be a speaker or an exhibitor at the Expo, nor need one be a blogger (maybe you would just like some ideas on how, what, or why to become a blogger). And, if one is a blogger, that blog need not be genealogy-related. If you are interested in becoming a blogger, click on the link above (the Expo icon) and then click on "Banquet." As banquets go, this one is very reasonably priced (under $30). This unusually-themed banquet will also be a live podcast with Lisa Louise Cooke (read more about her in the blog I posted last week). So attending this event will mean that you are part of history in the making! But seating is limited so reserve your spot sooner rather than later or there may not be a spot for you.
But whether or not you attend the blogger dinner, please consider joining us in Mesa. And if you are a potential exhibitor who would like to promote your service or product, there is still booth space available. The event promises to be well-attended, giving your business potential clients/customers.
See you in Mesa!
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