Only 21 more days and the 6th Annual St. George, UT Family History Expo will be upon us. Have you selected the classes you want to attend? I know, there's so much to choose from. To check the classes and who's in the exhibit hall, click on the Expo image above and then select the tab of your choice from the orange boxes on that page.
What makes this conference different from others? Well, here are some of the differences:
1 - The exhibit hall is free for your browsing & buying pleasure (you need not be a registered event attendee to visit the hall)
2 - The presenters are not paid or compensated for their presentations, so they are doing this because they love genealogy and they love sharing their passion (and it shows in their presentations)
3 - There is a half hour between each of the sessions (and one hour at lunch time), giving attendees ample time to visit the vendor hall but also chat with the presenters and network with each other (I know how exhausted I get at some conferences when I spend the time between presentations trying to rush to the next one plus squeeze in a bathroom visit)
4 - There is FREE parking, and lots of it! (Our vehicle will be the cabover camper with "Circlemending" and "Hibbenhere" in the top front window & 2 dogs inside.)
5 - There is an amazing Wildlife museum within the Dixie Center (where the conference is held) and it's a great place to take a little break from family history (if you really need such a thing)
6 - No extra charge for the syllabus (unless you order a printed copy): the syllabus is provided on CD so you can view it on your computer and save a few trees!
7 - If you register in advance, you can check out the syllabus on line (and, if you wish, print out the pages for the classes you are most interested in) - how cool is that??
8 - Affordable registration (while early-bird registration is over as of the 1st, the $75 fee for 2 days of education is considerably less than some of the national conferences; plus, unlike any conference I've ever seen, you can attend just a single class (for a nominal fee of $12, but no syllabus with that option) if all you want is to learn about one particular thing or you only have one hour to attend (also available: a $40/day price if you don't want to - or can't - attend for both days)
9 - The keynote speaker, Bernie Gracy, can be heard for FREE . . . no registration required to hear him speak on "Let Your Light Shine"
10 - The option of receiving free assistance from a professional (must sign up at the booth for that - times are posted) . . . bring your research question(s) and paperwork (pedigree chart, family group sheets, or laptop with the info, etc.) to make this the most beneficial it can be
If I wasn't already going to be there (check out the Circlemending booth - #428 - to learn about music and your ancestors and/or attend one of my presentations) I'd have just sold me on attending! And, to my California friends: this event is relative close (considering NGS in April or FGS in August); to my eastern & midwestern friends, the weather is much milder than what many of you have been experiencing. Come enjoy the warmth - both inside & out - and I'll see you at the St. George, UT Family History Expo!
(Check back in the next weeks to learn about some of my favorite presenters and exhibits that I have not already discussed in my promotion of the Arizona event.)
can't wait to learn more at the expo