
Sunday, July 9, 2023

Singalong Sunday - Hot Enough for You?


We are looking at some real heat coming up in the week ahead. Now, when I say that, I understand that my idea of heat is probably different from yours (and from those of a lot of folks). Where I grew up (in suburban Chicago), 88⁰ was hot. Of course, the humidity increased the sense of hot. I remember spending some summer days in St. Louis . . . now the heat could be as it was at home, but the humidity was even greater. Breathing could be labored. And that summer when we vacationed in Washington, DC I got to really experience heat. I recall it raining one evening and I thought that we would have some relief; after dinner I went out expecting to enjoy a cool walk . . . right! It was a sauna, or so that is how it felt (and I’ve never really been a “sauna” person). So, as we hear of days ahead that will push the mercury up to 109⁰ I need to remember that it’s a “dry heat.” And it is, usually. But then the weather reporter added that the onshore flow will be adding some humidity to our days. Hold it! I moved to California knowing that the temps here could get a bit high, but the dry days and nights meant that it was bearable, especially in the desert areas where the evenings would be balmy. Really.

When the weather is particularly warm, I tend to go around singing the song from Kiss Me, Kate. . .

Too Darn Hot,” by Cole Porter, sung by Ella Fitzgerald, 1956

Any summer or warm temperature songs that come to mind for you?

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