
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

One Lovely Blog Award - From one and spread to others

I'm honored to have been awarded the One Lovely Blog award from Polly Fitzgerald Kimmitt who writes the Pollyblog (I love that name)!

The rules of acceptance are :

1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who granted the award and their blog link.

2. Pass the award on to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered or just love so much.

3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. (This may take me awhile.)

Here are the lovely blogs I have selected . . . I have decided to reach outside the genealogy community for this award as there is much to explore in the name of this honor that is uplifting and inspirational. Please take a minute to browse through them!

1 - Bobby Dobbins Title - Hot Coffee & Cool Jazz (a dear friend whose observations on life touch the heart and funny bone, sometimes simultaneously)

2 - Amy Lynn Pitterle Foster - Foster Features (my granddaughter, a new mother, shares her thoughts, experiences, and great photos of this adventure in her life)

3 - Jack Rushton - It's Good to be Alive (the blog of one of my mentors from my early days in college and LDS institute, now a quadriplegic, Jack shares the good things in life - and there are a bunch!)

4 - Storycorps blog (I love Story Corps and this blog explains why)

5 - RV Travel blog (good for RVers - maybe not "lovely" per se, but definitely helpful)

6 - Caroline Rober - My Journey with ALS (Caroline passed away last month, but her blog journal is still on line and is an inspiration to those who have read it)

7 - Patty Ann Pitterle - Pitterle Postings (my daughter's inspirational observations)

8 - Mike & Cherie Tait - Taits in Tonga (friends on a mission in Fiji and their interesting experiences)

9 - Stefanie Eskander - StefStyle (a dear photographer/artist friend who shares art techniques, discoveries around her, and more)

10 - Dimitre Descardyin - The Ripple Effect (my grandson's self-observations that are profound discoveries for him and others)

11 - The Folk Alley Blog (hosted by the on-line "radio" station "Folk Alley" - great music and a venue that frequently features new artists "on the scene")

12 - Indiana University Press Blog (great source for the latest in Folklore)

13 - National Archives & Records Administration - NARAtions (Blog of the National Archives)

14 - Evan Morris - The Word Detective (not as much blog as Q/A from one of the country's best wordsmiths . . . love etymology? You're going to love this site!)

15 - Jean Hibben - Riverside Folk Song Society (I have to give this to myself and my "other" blog if for no other reason than to motivate me to do more with it for our local folk community)

And so there are my selections - some are music- and folklore-related, some are church-related, some are scholastic in nature, and some are produced by my family (and there's overlap in all of the above). Maybe one or two will make it to your "favorites" list.

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