
Monday, May 31, 2010

A repeat of last Veteran's Day post . . . to remember my ancestors who served

Some of the Vets in my Family Tree . . .

great-great-grandfather Capt. Nathan W. Wilcox, Bissell's Engineering Regiment of the West, MO (ca. 1861) (his headstone is being placed on his grave this week in Nashville, TN and we will be dedicating the grave on August 14)

great-grandfather, Private J. Adam Hollander, Union Army, Co. I, Wisconsin 24th Inf. (1865)

grandfather, Seaman Lee Alfred Wilcox, USN (1903)

My first cousin, once removed, Wilbur Dallman, with his friend John (WWI)

2nd cousin once removed, Robert C. Trapschuh, USN (WWII)

Thank you to them and to all the living family member vets and current servicemen:
my husband, Lynn A. Hibben, US Navy vet
My brother & sister-in-law, Robert & Jaynie Wilcox, US Navy vets
my son, Quentin L. Hibben, US Navy, ret'd.
my daughter, Sandra Hibben Dodge, US Army vet
my son-in-law, Gregory Dodge, US Army, ret'd.
my grandsons (currently serving), Chris Schmidt (US Army) and Matt Hicks (US Navy)

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed looking at these photographs. Nothing like a man in uniform! Thanks for sharing!


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