
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award

I am humbled & pleased that I have been awarded

by a few good folks whose blogs I have enjoyed: Randy Seaver who writes "Genea-Musings" and Angela who writes "What was their Story."

According to the "rules" of the game, I need to list 7 things about me that my readers probably don't know and then pass on the award to 7 other bloggers whose work I believe deserves such recognition. So, here goes . . . what my readers probably don't know about me:

1 - I was listed in "Who's Who Among America's Teachers" back when I was an active professor, as well as some other similar publications regarding "Women in Communications," etc.

2 - I am the daughter of the late L. Roy Wilcox, a mathematician who was best known for his work in lattice theory and who taught at the Illinois Institute of Technology, but who did his earliest work as a PhD at the institute of Advanced Study at Princeton, working with Einstein and Von Neumann.

3 - I was a mediocre student in my early education (I'm dyslexic) and dropped out of college only to return to work on my BA, MA, & PhD degrees once I understood how to study and learn to love to learn.

4 - My 7th great-grandfather was John Conrad Weiser, also a direct ancestor of "Dear Myrtle," making her my something-th cousin.

5 - My 10th great-grandfather was John Gallop, who came to America in 1630 with the Winthrop Fleet (he was also friends with Roger Williams, my husband's 7th great-grandfather)

6 - I have only one sibling - an older brother - and neither of us have any biological children; our parents were both only children so we have no uncles, aunts or first cousins and our Wilcox line, through Nathan W. Wilcox, ends (biologically) with us.

7 - My kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids are all courtesy of my husband and his 2 previous marriages; they are the best wedding gift he gave me and I cherish them all (to learn more about my family, check my website and click on "Groundhog Letter").

I have decided to recognize some blogs that my genealogy friends might not be aware of and some that have not already received this award; there are a lot of great genealogy blogs that deserve this recognition, but they've already received it so here are some you might not know about . . . The Seven blogs that I would like to recognize and encourage others to visit are:

1 - Folk Alley by the Folk Alley staff (this is an on-line music channel that plays some of the best selections in the field, many performed by new artists)

2 - The Word Detective by Evan Morris (not a blog in the traditional sense - he sends out quasi-regular emails to his subscribers and covers the origins of all sorts of words and phrases, one of my particularly favorite topics, as many know)

3 - It's Good to be Alive by Jack Rushton (he was one of my mentors at Santa Ana College, the LDS Institute, during my undergrad work; he suffered a life-changing accident and is now a quadriplegic whose views on life and how to make every moment count will give the reader pause)

4 - The Wright Graveyard Stew by Diane Wright, one of the Graveyard Rabbits (her love of all things cemetery makes her a true taphophile and she shares her experiences as well as her knowledge in a way that will cause you to want to rush right out and visit a cemetery, even if none of the occupants is a member of your family)

5 - Hot Coffee & Cool Jazz by Bobby Dobbins Title (she is the secretary of the Corona Genealogical Society and shares some interesting philosophical perspectives in her regular writings)

6 - Debbie's Weekly Wonders by Debbie McBrearty (this is primarily for San Diego residents, but gives a lot of great tips for saving money in activities and purchases in a time when everyone is feeling the pinch)

7 - Storycorps blog by the facilitators of the project of the same name (here is one way of preserving family stories for the future - it's a remarkable project and should be encouraged so we don't lose this element of history)

What do you do if you receive the Kreativ Blogger Award?

Like most blogger tags and awards, The Kreativ Blogger Award asks you to tell your blog readers a bit about yourself and then "pass it on" to other blogs. Specifically, write a post announcing that you have been named a Kreativ Blogger by The Family Curator. In your post, list seven things about you that your readers might not know, and then name and link to seven other blogs that you feel are worthy of the Kreativ Blogger Award. You don't have to tell why you are naming these particular blogs, but it is nice to know why they stand out in your book.

Congratulations, Kreativ Bloggers! Keep up the good work.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Jean! Congratulations on your award. You deserve it! Remember always that you are loved.


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