
Saturday, December 20, 2008

5 days and counting

Hard to believe: we are only 5 days from Christmas. It is only 3 pm here on the West Coast on the Sat. before Christmas and it has been a busy day. No last minute Christmas shopping for us, no. I do my Christmas shopping throughout the year (most on the day after Christmas of the previous year) so everything is wrapped and ready, as far as that goes. This year daughter Sandi & family are coming out from Atlanta,GA, towing a 5th wheel loaded with Sandi, hubby, and 4 kids, ages 9 to 21. So it is a packed truck that is heading west! We are so excited to be able to share this holiday with them and have plenty of "camping" space for their rig on our property. They plan to arrive on Tues. I already received a text message that they are well on their way.

Tonight is the annual holiday meeting of the Riverside Folk Song Society, so we are hosting it here for the 2nd year in a row. I enjoy it, as I don't have a long drive home ahead of me and it inspires me to get the house cleaned and decorated. We even cooked a turkey yesterday (for Sandi, et al. on Christmas) and today we have a huge vat of turkey soup cooking for tonight's gathering. It smells wonderful. And, another good thing, I won't have to deal with turkey carcass after dinner on the 25th.

So we are ready for the holidays in the Hibben household. Hope you are, too.

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